It has been a month since I have blogged. I am so sorry! My computer got sick and had to go home to get fixed under warranty and now it is back and I am back online.
--> Making money from home is so much better than punching a time clock! I miss my online time, because I truly love to write and my blog enables me to earn money from home doing something I love.
Make sure if you are starting out online that you educate yourself on advertising and how it works. There are so many ways that you can advertise online. If you are anything like me, I like to just jump in and start. I am not good at reading tutorials, blogs, start here. This puts me at a great disadvantage for advertising because I would be making much more income online if I took the time to actually read how each different type of advertising works!
One of the most common methods of advertising is PPC. PPC is paid per to click. Usually you pay from one cent to nine cents to encourage somebody to click on your ad and go to your website. That is very low end cost for advertising. You can of course, pay more out for pay per click. It really depends on your advertising budget.
If you are working a full time job and are working online part time, it is especially important that you maximize your online time with a plan. What is the first thing you do when you boot up your computer? Email right? Social networking? That does eat up a lot of time and before you know it you still need to place your advertising! How about using a service that submits to all your social sites for you, so you only have to place your link one time? This is a real time saver and actually populates the Internet with your links to your site and your products!
Check it out and let me know what you think. There are a lot of social networking sites now, but some people are offended if all you do is post your links, you want your online brand to be good, honest and trustworthy. You do not want to become known as a spammer! However, this is a great way to post your ad to many sites with a click of your mouse!
There are many free online advertising sites. Some you need to register an account with, really I have found with most. If you place 3-5 ads a day, every day at different sites your site will start to get seen. This is just repeating the same work on a daily basis, which is just a commitment on your part to be successful with your online product or your affiliate program.
Don't give up! Earning from home is possible and more and more people are turning to the Internet as a way to earn extra money or to obtain the lifestyle they dream of. Never lose site of your dreams! You CAN do it!
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