Friday, October 11, 2013

How To Get Traffic To Your Site Online

Aloha to my readers,

I would like to talk about marketing online today. More and more, with living expenses high, unemployment high and job wages not keeping up with the cost of living, people are looking for ways to make more money. If you are married and have kids, there is a great possibility that both Mom and Dad work full time to meet the bills. Then what do you have left over, to put away for your children's education, or for your own retirement? Do you believe that Social Security will still be even here when you are ready to retire?

--> Multitudes of people have looked to working from home on their computers to make that extra amount of income that will allow them some breathing space. It is not fun to lie awake in bed at night wondering how are you going to make ends meet! All it takes is one thing to go wrong, an injury, a job loss, and the emergency fund you had that gave you a sense of security is gone.

Marketing online takes some know how! There are many ways to earn money from home. Affiliate Marketing is one of these. That is when you market somebody else's procuct and get a percentage (commission) from the sale. This can add up very quickly to a nice amount of income for you. There are several companies online that are looking for affiliates all the time. Here are a few: Clickbank, Commission Junction, Rakuten Link Share are just a few that are out there. You can choose from a variety of products for different niches. A niche is simply your field of expertise, such as Health and Beauty, Gardening, Golfing.....what are you an expert at? It is good to pick a niche for yourself and market in that area, because you already have the expert knowledge of that particular field.

If you already have an existing business or service, so much easier! The main thing you need, what ever it is you are marketing, is traffic. Traffic is visitors to your site. There are so many methods of doing this! There are plenty of sites online to advertise on. If you can afford to invest for traffic, you can buy visitors, or pay a company to mail out solo ad campaign for you, word of mouth, social site networking, traffic exchanges, even Safelists, though how effective all the free advertising is just depends on how consistent you are with doing it on a daily basis. What is your budget for your business?

What you want to do is when somebody does visit your site, ideally, is to get their name and email address so that you can let them know when you are giving a deal, adding a new product or giving a bonus item away. This is what marketers call "list building". When you have a large list of people, Internet marketing is a numbers game, the bigger the number of visitors, the greater your sales and commissions! The best way to grow your list is with an autoresponder, which is software that programs e-mails to go out to your list when you want them to. I use Aweber, and they have a special $1 for your first month, as well as great customer support and how to.

This is a very general overview of making money online. You can have this blog emailed to you by filling in the form below. Thank you for reading! See you soon!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fat Free Abs.....Fast! Or, I hate how my stomach looks!

I just hate looking at my stomach! Especially as I had to endure two stomach surgeries within a 4 month period from December 2011 to April 2012. Not only do I have an atrocious scar, but I ended up looking pregnant for months, no baby ever came and my stomach will no longer allow me to wear a bikini!!

I have always been self conscious about my stomach. I would look at pictures of myself and my drop dead gorgeous friends at the beach or where ever, and look at my stomach and just go, OMG! Now, when I look at those pictures I think, wow, I really was in good shape then! Just shows you the perspective that time will give you!

In my never ending quest for health, beauty and fitness, I have found some things that are real easy to do, fun, yes it has to be fun! and most of the time are just good common sense.

I hate sweating and hard physical work! Exercising to tone up. Doing crunches to give my stomach that 6 pack ab look. Going to the gym and using the equipment to tone up and build my strength to me is just plain boring. I have tried many different types of exercise to tone up and slim down. Running, walking, boogie boarding, the gym, the weights to get rid of that "rooster skin" look that hangs from the upper arms. I have discovered that if it is not something I enjoy doing for exercise, I will not stay consistent with it, and being consistent is really the key to ridding your stomach of ugly belly fat and unsightly love handles.

You can tone up your stomach, get rid of the love handles at any age. I am not saying that a 70 year old will suddenly get the body of a 20 year old, but you can look good at any age.

It is what you eat and when as well. If you love to dance and that is your exercise, the best time to do it is in the morning prior to eating breakfast. This raises your body's metabolism for the whole day, so it will burn off fat cells faster for you. Every body's metabolism is different, but the faster your metabolism is, the faster you will burn fat.

Eat your main meal for breakfast or lunch! The earlier you eat your main meal for the day the better as far as burning calories. You may want to consult with a dietitian as to what foods you can eat to help you burn fat. You don't have to eat 3 times a day, in fact, many nutritionists recommend eating as many as 6 small meals a day, with plenty of fruits and veggies. I only eat when I am hungry and always try to cut my self off by 6:00 pm. A steak will lie in your stomach undigested if you are eating that steak at 8:00 pm.

Make sure that you give yourself a cheat day! I never say I am on a diet, it just makes me hungrier. I just do the best I can do everyday eating healthy, not giving in to my sweet tooth and not expecting perfection from myself. Perfection and diet are just two words that don't go together, if you know what I mean!

I highly recommend Mike Geary's Truth About Abs. Mike is a registered dietitian, as well as a personal trainer. Having his book is like having a personal trainer to me! He has educated me on what to eat to burn fat, what foods not to eat as well, how to get a toned flat stomach without doing any crunches, really, NO CRUNCHES! His program is not a diet, it is a way of eating and toning up your body to get rid of those horrible fat area's that we all hate to look at.
Click Here!


Friday, August 2, 2013

All About Cat Behavior

Aloha to my friends who love cats!

First of all I would like to say Mahalo (thank you) so very much for the comments that were posted on my blog anonymously. I really appreciate the feedback, especially that my blog was useful to you all.
Way back when in 1997 when we brought home our first rescue, Scampers, she fit in our palm. She was the sole surviving member of the litter of cats at the boat yard where my husband worked. Every cat is very unique and the way we played with her, slept with her, and what we fed her as treats....well, it gave her some strange cat behavior!
Cats are naturally curious. They get into everything especially when they are kittens. Thus the saying, curiosity killed the cat. Good thing they have nine lives! We were renting a room in a large home, shared bathroom and kitchen while we established ourselves and saved enough money for our own place. The house manager told us we had to keep Scampers in our room, she couldn't roam the home freely. Our double bed took up most of the room so naturally Scampers slept with us. She ate, slept, played and did her "business" in that room and wasn't socialized with other cats, she was the "one!" So she thinks of herself as a person, not a cat. She will be 16 years old in September.

We gave her Hagen Das ice cream when we ate it. She would just stick her whole head into the pint sized carton and lick out every last drop. So today whenever we eat ice cream, or yogurt, she wants her share. She will sit at my feet and keep tapping me with her front paw, until she gets her due. Since she wasn't brought up with multiple cats, she never took much of a part in any of the other cats that were rescued after her. She stays aloof. Our second rescue, from a feral litter at my place of employment, was a tiny little guy with HUGE  ears. We named him Rusty. He was a nasty little customer! Now he is a huge orange tabby, who takes care of the rest of the cats, except of course, Scampers, and is the Alpha male. She would hiss at him, but when you bring in a kitten, the older cat will let the kitten eat first. Eventually, the hissing stopped and they would play together and everyone was happy. This is true of all cats, the kittens will stand in the food bowl and eat their share, the older cats will allow them to finish before they eat.

Kittens should be handled at a young age, in order to gain your trust. Both Rusty and Scampers are used to grooming, having flea meds or collars applied, and are easy to handle. The younger kitties that after that, Rusty "mothered" them, and they are much harder to put on the flea collars, although they do love the grooming. Cats are social and my cats actually hug each other. Except, of course, Scampers because she is human! LOL!

Cats purr for many reasons. Pleasure is one. I had a friend who had never had a cat, and she got a kitten. She wanted to know what that strange sound was when her kitty purred! She thought something was wrong and was all worried. I reassured her that everything was fine and her cat was purring because it was happy. Cats do not like their bellies scratched as dogs do, and if you do this, you may get some claw in response. They like to have their throats rubbed, behind their ears, on the side of their face, and petting from head down the spine to the tail.

Kneading is common to all domestic cats. When in a state of ease they  alternately push out and pull in their front paws, often alternating between right and left limbs. Some cats actually appear to "nurse" or suck on clothing or bedding during kneading. Some people believe "kneading" (other than being hell on your comforter, chair or pillows,) stimulate your cat and make it feel good, in the same manner as humans stretching. I learn a lot from my cats, I always stretch out after taking a cat nap.

I can't go into all cat behavior in one blog (obviously!) I will talk more on the subject to be sure. I know for a fact that cats communicate with each other or none of the strays would have ever made it past my American Pit Bull Terrier to the back yard, where I would feed the feral cats of the neighbor hood, and where kittens would pop out from under my house. Cats rub the side of their heads on the corner of an object to "mark" it as their turf. They are territorial and there is a social structure for each colony or pride of cats. Remember I said Rusty was our Alpha Male?

And Scampers is human, my husband and I are her Alpha's!

Thank you for reading! Please leave me your comments or suggestions and visit my web site at:

There is an awesome set of DVD's plus many bonuses of Ultimate Cat Behavior. Check it out for yourself. 100% money back guarantee!


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Puppy Proofing Your Home

So now you have everything you need for the newest member of your family! I can only say "Congratulations!" You have just entered into one of the most rewarding relationships that you will have in your life. Every dog has his own unique character and much of it is formed while he is a puppy and growing (really fast, by the way!), so I want to do everything I can to help you do things right.

You already got all your supplies. Until your new friend is housebroken and stopped teething you will want to confine him to one room that is easily cleaned. Dogs are social animals so the closer this room is to where the family is the better. A kitchen or bathroom that is not carpeted is ideal! A wire mesh baby gate across the doorway(s) works best, it cannot be chewed as a plastic or wooden gate can be. Puppies love to chew! It is actually good for dogs to chew for their dental health, it helps clean tartar from the teeth and keeps the gums healthy. You just want to train your puppy what is OK to chew. I once had an American Pit Bull Terrier who chewed up our weed eater! Absolutely true story!
You will want to remove any hazardous and poisonous items in your home that your puppy can get into when unsupervised. Put all cleaning agents, antifreeze, pesticides, drugs and other household garage or garden chemicals away from puppy's reach. If you cannot eliminate electrical wires that he may chew, you can coat them with Bitter Apple, a safe, but nasty tasting substance created to prevent chewing. Many houseplants are poisonous and should be placed out of his reach. If you have non poisonous plants, place them out of reach, because no puppy can resist playing with a plant!
Don't make your garage your new best friends area. It is too isolated for your puppy to be able to socialize and feel like a part of the family. If your puppy is in the garage, with you, make sure the anti freeze is out of his reach.
You can child proof the cupboards and keep them closed while your puppy is in his area. Puppies have been known to chew anything! If he is in the bathroom, you can throw the shower curtain over the rod and out of reach.
Make sure you provide chewable toys. Sate toys are a necessity! Rawhide chew toys are a favorite, however, there have been incidents when a torn chunk from a rawhide toy got caught in a dogs throat and choked him. Our American Pit Bull Terrier, Kala, swallowed a whole rawhide bone, and I actually used the Heimlich Method on him and it came flying out of his mouth! Unfortunately, that was only part of the problem, he had eaten a poisonous toad and ended up at the Vet's overnight, and thank God, he lived. So give your puppy the rawhide while you are home, and don't choose it for his crate toy. Chew toys made of hard nylon are safe, even when you are not at home.
That is it for today! I hope that you have found some useful tips and have enjoyed reading my blog. You can visit my web site at
for more information and other useful resources for your dogs and cats.
Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What You Need For Your New Puppy


Congratulations! you have just selected and brought home a new puppy! They are so cute, aren’t they? All the little dog wants to do is wiggle in your arms and lick your face! So, you have just committed to dog ownership, which is like having a child that you need to train and teach. It is said there are no bad dogs, just bad owners.

Before you bring home your puppy, you need to have the supplies and an area in your home where your puppy will live while he is learning what you expect of him. That is just a tiny little dog you have, and training starts immediately in the way you do things with your puppy. This little dog wants to please you more than anything! You just need to show him how.

You will need supplies for your new puppy prior to bringing him/her home. You will need:
food bowl
water bowl
ID tag
crate/portable dog kennel (large enough for the full grown dog)
grooming supplies

Dogs are social animals. Usually, puppies are available when they are only six weeks old and have been weaned from the mother, which means they are eating food and not nursing on Mom anymore. You will be taking your puppy away from his littermates, usually anywhere from 2 and sometimes as many as 12 puppies!
You just removed his social network, so now you will provide that for him. I can remember putting an alarm clock with a new puppy when I was a kid, warm blankets and newspaper covering the whole floor, where the puppy would be put down to bed at night, and then being kept awake every time the little guy woke up by his crying and yelping! This is totally normal as they are waking up alone, no littermates and no Mom.

A dog’s natural instinct is to build a den for himself. This is where the crate comes in.  Puppies need a lot of sleep and will sleep several times each day. The crate is a tremendous help with housebreaking. Dogs do not want to soil their dens. When your puppy is ready to sleep put him in his crate, gently saying “crate.” The crate itself should be  snug, comfortable and soft inside. The bedding should be easy to change. Nothing dangerous for your puppy to chew should be in the crate. Every time you put your puppy in his crate, put a favorite toy or special treat in front of him, saying “crate” as you put him in.Get Free Shipping on orders over $35 at! - 468x60
That is it for today….I will further go into “puppy proofing” a special room for your new best friend on my next blog.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pet Safety For the Holidays

Aloha and Happy Holidays!   We enjoy the holiday season along with our four legged children, our cats and our dogs. I would like to give you some tips on making sure your holidays stay happy by bringing to your attention some facts about the season!

Poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly are among the most dangerous and your pet could experience kidney failure if he or she eats any part of a lily. Keep the out of reach! Taking care of our pets is pretty much like having a toddler in the home. You need to “child proof” your environment, in this case for your pets! If you do have an emergency you can call the animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435.

When you are hosting party, many pets are not used to a lot of people coming and going on their turf! Especially young children, between the ages of 5 and 9. Hold your dog’s collar, as they sniff the palms of your guests. If your dog growls or seems agitated, move him to a room all his own. Or don’t invite those people back! Dogs are very good at judging a person’s character. If my dog doesn‘t like somebody, I generally do not invite them in.

Don’t feed turkey or chicken bones to your dog. They can splinter and choke your pet or cause other internal damage. Onions, garlic, grapes, raisin and candy, especially sugar free candy are all toxic to your best friend. Get them special dog and cat treats for the occasion. Chocolate is also very bad for your pet. The caffeine and other ingredients in chocolate is toxic to pets and can last for more than 24 hours.

Here in Hawaii, a lot of fireworks are set off for New Year’s Eve. Make sure you call your vet and get some sedatives for your dog. Cats, I have never had a problem with, they don’t like the noise, but they will go find a hiding spot and stay there. The general rule is to give your dog 1mg per body weight of your dog. Of course, ask your vet! However, sedatives effect each animal differently. My 45 pound Bob dog would be saggy eyed and staggering on one 25 mg sedative from the vet. Be careful with sick or elderly animals. If you haven’t had a recent check up for your dog, and you can’t pick up a sedative from your vet, you can use over the counter, Benadryl. They come in 25 mg tablets and I found them to be less effective, so I would give more. You need to tranquilize your dog at least an hour before all the noise and bomb blasts start. Bring them inside and avoid the danger of them chasing after the fireworks, or getting lost.  I hope you can take advantage of this advice! If you know of any other dangers to your animals, please leave a comment, especially if you have cats that have reactions to fireworks, since I have never experienced that.

I saw a funny picture the other day of a cat looking at a Christmas tree with the caption saying, “Oh Christmas Tree, oh Cfhristmas Tree, your ornaments are history!” This is so true! I always use my cheap decorations lower on the tree or you can tie you tree to the ceiling. I noticed when they were young they really went for the tree, but now, I have less broken ornaments. I alswyas have a squirt bottle full of water and just give your baby a spritz with the water, that will keep kitty away from the tree, at least for when you are not looking! You can also use string instead of the little metal hooks to hang your ornaments.

This blog is in memory of my best friend and beloved Bob, who was with me for 15 and a half years. Thank you, Bob, for all the wonderful memories. I wish we had another Christmas together. Be happy at Rainbow Bridge and I will see you again!

We rely on donations at Animal Rescue Hawaii! Any donation would be appreciated!

Caring For Cats

 Aloha to all my fellow Animal Lovers!

Caring for cats and dogs is a subject that will take a lot more than 1 blog to cover! I have just started my webpage with Go Daddy and have finished the home page. There are many more pages to go! If you need a website I highly recommend them as they have 24/7 support, awesome customer service and right now you can save 35% on products purchased by using my code: WOWlindaz1.

Okay, back to our subject! What ever pet you choose a cat or a dog, they both have very specific needs.  What does a cat need?  Kitten or an adult cat have different needs. What you need to remember is that when you get your cat you are committing to a lifetime of care. Cats are indoor animals, a recommendation of the ASPCA. This is to keep your cat safe from all the outside dangers of cars, dogs, other cats and especially humans! Your cat is like a child that will never grow up! Kittens will run around like crazy and their natural curiosity will get them into everything in your home! Put child proof latches on cupboards and closets where you don't want kitty to go. Kittens eat 3 times a day, an adult cat only once.  What you need to provide is love, love, love! Also get a cat scratcher, one per cat. Cats sharpen and shed their claws naturally. A litter box also one per cat, ideally. I have 5 cats and 4 litter boxes, so I am a box short! Your kitty will naturally gravitate to the cat box to take care of biz, if you get my drift! They also love to eat greens, you can buy kittie greens at just about any Longs, Walmart, Kmart or Pet Store. Of course, online is always an excellent spot to purchase and you can save a lot if you have multiple pets, as I do!

 232190_Receive a FREE PSCPets Brand product of your choice with purchase over $75 at

Many people say cats can't be trained and are not as affectionate as dogs. I have both cats and dogs as a result of my animal rescue efforts, and cats can be trained and are very affectionate! It is all in the way you treat them. What you put in you get back. Call your cat by it's name frequently. Praise and pet your cat when it is being good and for discipline, I just use a squirt bottle full of water! It has range and you can become quite a good shooter, like me! You can add a third white vinegar to the mix, it will sting your pets eyes for a short time and not do damage, while providing a very strong deterrent to the behavior. Water works just as well for me, though. I don't even want them to sting! Such a sap!

Here is a link to a video starring a couple of my cats:  Click Here

That's all folks! Tomorrow I will talk about dogs! You can visit my website at  for more information.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Online Social Networking Sites

Aloha and thank you for reading my blog!

Since I first went online in 1998 (I am a late bloomer!) things have changed sooo much. Technology is hard to keep up with! There was only one Social Network site I knew of called Ryze, and I am not sure if it is still online or not. But as Social and Network Marketing sites were being developed I joined them.

We have social networking sites for kids, social networking sites for marketers, top 10 social networking sites, free social networking sites, and the list goes on and on. You  can find more than one social networking site to fit your needs.

Now you should be careful what you put on your social networking sites. Remember, all of your information is out here in cyberspace, and pretty much anybody can obtain it easily, and without being a hacker.

When posting to your sites keep on topic, make your "friends" and connections, join groups or communities that are offer on your site. Keep it topic specific. Most sites always have an option that you can send a personal message when you don't want everybody hearing or seeing what you are saying!

If you, like me, have a hard time remembering what social networking sites you have joined over the years, I have the perfect solution for you! It .is called OnlyWire. Social Networking made easy! And your brand and sites get seen a lot more than posting to one site at a time. Click here:

Social Networking Made Easy

While re-learning new methods of traffic generation since 1998, (Way different ways to drive targeted traffic to your site!) I found out about this incredible site! When you want to make a quick post, you can join this site and automatically submit to 54 sites at the same time! How awesome is that? This frees up your time management and leaves you to prioritize your online tasks and spend the time where you need to spend it. Once I get onto Facebook, I can literally pass hours away without even realizing it!

So check it out! I highly recommend OnlyWire for anybody who wants to get their posts on as many of their online social networking sites as possible, without spending days, while having fun, of course, or I would not linger so long on the site! One click of the mouse and you have just submitted to 54 social long as you have joined that Social Networking Online Community!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Speed Up Your Weight Loss


I really do try to blog daily, but I have been so busy trying to speed up my weight loss with constant and painful exercise that it takes me 22 hours out of 24. I lost 8 ounces last week!

Nah, just kidding!
But if you made your New Years Resolution, as about 75% of the rest of the population in the U.S. to be losing weight, actually probably more like 99.9% of our population did, sometimes it just feels that way. Like that is all you do is think about not eating and exercising!

I actually have cut off some pounds but I am not sure how much, I can tell by the way my clothes fit. I finally had to give in and go purchase some new threads, then the pounds start to shed! Typical, yeah?

One tip that I always remember is that everything you do is exercise. I think I told you in an earlier blog, or may have been one of my articles, that a test done on hotel maids, half of who were told their work was exercise and half who were not told, the half that was told did lose weight, while the other half did not.

The absolute best stomach exercise is the world is to hold it in as tight as you can, picture your belly button hitting your spine. Please don't stop breathing when you do this. Breathing as you exercise allows oxygen to flow to the muscle group that you are targeting. Anything you are doing that is physical, just focus on your muscle groups you want exercised and tighten them up as you clean, go up stairs, walk into the store, walking through the mall (phew, that I can feel the next day!), especially when with my hubby who is merciless and walks quite quickly!

I highly recommend Mike Geary's Truth About Abs for being a highly educational and enlightening book for all of us who want to rid ourselves of that ugly belly fat and those wonderful  love handles. This book has given me a shock at times, when things I think were healthy to eat turn out to be quite the opposite. You don't need to spend the extra to get Soy Milk for instance! Mike is a certified nutritionist as well as a personal trainer, and this book has been wildly successful for him, because he teaches us how to eat food that actually burns fat, so basically it is just a re-educating of how and what you eat.

As for exercising 22 out of 24 hours, Truth About Abs actually is like having a personal trainer as there is a total body workout that takes a whole five minutes daily! Now, if that is not good enough, there is a beginner level, intermediate and finally, yes, expert! Expert meaning the most strenuous five minute total body workout and guess what? This workout does not even have a single crunch in it! 

Fill out the form below and I will send you a sample of Mike's book that has tons of info in it, a gift from me to you so you can preview The Truth About Abs.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Getting the Most From Advertising

Aloha and Happy New Year!

It has been a month since I have blogged. I am so sorry! My computer got sick and had to go home to get fixed under warranty and now it is back and I am back online.
--> Making money from home is so much better than punching a time clock! I miss my online time, because I truly love to write and my blog enables me to earn money from home doing something I love.

Make sure if you are starting out online that you educate yourself on advertising and how it works. There are so many ways that you can advertise online. If you are anything like me, I like to just jump in and start. I am not good at reading tutorials, blogs, start here. This puts me at a great disadvantage for advertising because I would be making much more income online if I took the time to actually read how each different type of advertising works!

One of the most common methods of advertising is PPC. PPC is paid per to click. Usually you pay from one cent to nine cents to encourage somebody to click on your ad and go to your website. That is very low end cost for advertising. You can of course, pay more out for pay per click. It really depends on your advertising budget.

If you are working a full time job and are working online part time, it is especially important that you maximize your online time with a plan. What is the first thing you do when you boot up your computer? Email right? Social networking? That does eat up a lot of time and before you know it you still need to place your advertising! How about using a service that submits to all your social sites for you, so you only have to place your link one time? This is a real time saver and actually populates the Internet with your links to your site and your products!OnlyWire
Check it out and let me know what you think. There are a lot of social networking sites now, but some people are offended if all you do is post your links, you want your online brand to be good, honest and trustworthy. You do not want to become known as a spammer! However, this is a great way to post your ad to many sites with a click of your mouse!

There are many free online advertising sites. Some you need to register an account with, really I have found with most. If you place 3-5 ads a day, every day at different sites your site will start to get seen. This is just repeating the same work on a daily basis, which is just a commitment on your part to be successful with your online product or your affiliate program.

Don't give up! Earning from home is possible and more and more people are turning to the Internet as a way to earn extra money or to obtain the lifestyle they dream of. Never lose site of your dreams! You CAN do it!