Monday, September 10, 2012

Belly Fat!

Please Post Your Comments and links here, include your blog for me to read!


Weird title, yes I know, but I have a good reason for it!

Last December 7, 2011 I was taken to the Emergency Room by my husband because I thought I was having a stroke. I have this weird thing called "pre cursor warnings to stroke" due to a crinkled vein in the back of my skull. That is what my ex-neurologist told me and put me on aspirin. So I was having symptoms and also lower belly pain. CT scan of head and abdomen were done. 

Imagine my surprise when I found out my head was still the same, I was not having a pre cursor warning for stroke but I did have a perforated colon.(Come on now, get your minds out of the gutter, I was NOT having strange sex!) Lucky for me the best surgeon was there and explained to my husband and myself that I needed immediate surgery or I would die. I'm like, What? My husband is like totally stunned and freaked. I ask what are my chances without surgery, Doc said "You Will Die" straight up guy, yeah? I said what are my chances with surgery and he says 99.9% that you will live.

The cut they made was started around my piko (belly button) and all the way down to my bikini line, if I could still wear one! lol! This is on top of two other surgery's I had over the years, one was like a C-Section cut and the other was an appendectomy. So I had always exercised hard on my stomach, but this cut was too much! I was in the hospital for 10 days, Eric visited me daily and smuggled in my favorite yogurt, French Vanilla Yoplait Original! I had to get up and start walking from day 1. Oweeee! I won't go into the gory details any further.

Come April 2012 I had a second surgery to reverse the first! They wanted all my colon back inside my body, sounds good to me, put it where it belongs. But they cut the same cut again! I cannot stand to look in the mirror any more and exercising is really hard with the back problems I have from years of horses, Harley's and car wrecks! That would take up a whole other blog!

I got me a Pilate's flex able tube from Publishers Clearing House, yes, I will someday win! I haven't really been able to use it, I have that really tough to lose lower belly fat. I found an awesome way of taking it down! This method really works! And it doesn't cost a lot, doesn't take a lot of exercise, and I learned what foods to avoid. Best money I ever spent!

Here is one woman's testimonial:

I had forgotten how overweight I was, and looking at these before and after pics again almost made me cry...but tears of joy this time, as I'm so thankful for how much progress I've made.

Not only do I feel so healthy and vibrant, but I feel that I look younger now too! Its wonderful! I went from a size 14 to a 5. Weight wise I was around 190 lbs when I started and now I am 120 lbs. I’m so passionate about your book and style of's absolutely amazing...I don’t crave unhealthy stuff anymore...I have eliminated an insane sweet tooth.

I happened upon your book about 9 months ago. Once I downloaded and printed your ebook, I read it once, and then again. There is so much information in there that expands beyond just working out and abs.  The nutritional information was fascinating, and I believe that was what helped me get to where I am today.  The workouts are also so challenging, and talk about breaking a sweat!  I love it.

I have SO MANY people ask me what diet I was doing to lose all that weight. They just don't understand that I'm not on a diet... It’s been a total lifestyle change. I would recommend your book to anyone!  I feel exceptional, and I am in the best shape of my life!

I hope that my testimonial will help you out, as well as other people that have struggled to get in shape. Thank you so much!!

The eagle recovers around a mark!

By now you are wondering, what is this miraculous method? Even better yet, not only can you use it but you can sell it to your friends who have "problem stomachs."

Click Here!

There is one side for men and one side for women who want to lose their belly fat. Yes, men do want to have 6 pack abs! This How To Lose Belly Fat product is full of secrets and the quick way to lose belly fat. It is how I am losing my belly fat and also, how to lose weight! Win/Win. Here is another link you can try:

Either way you will not regret it! If it worked for me with all the slicing and dicing they did on me (they could have done an infomercial!), whatever shape you are in, you can get toned up and have a flat stomach, even 6 pack abs! I would love some feedback on this! Either comment on the blog or visit me at Facebook.

So now you know why I posted this blog titled Belly Fat!

As I always mention our cats and dogs, Nohea, my Ridgeback, Pittbull, and yes, Basenji, barkless dogs is not doing well at all. She had taken a fall down the stairs and as she is an older dog, poor thing couldn't stand long enough to eat her food. I don't want to put her down, I believe that God decides when it is our time to go, but I don't want to see her suffer, either.We are fund raising for her Vet visit, and hopefully we can rid her of some of her pain until she heals from her fall. We love her so much, she is the sweetest non barking dog I have ever rescued or kept.

Aloha and Stay Cool



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