Please Post Your Comments and links here, include your blog for me to read!
As long as I can remember, I was never comfortable in my own skin. I was very self-conscious about the way I looked and was constantly comparing myself to others, and wishing how I looked like them. I was very skinny all the way through high school and definitely was not cheer leader material.
People always said “Oh, she is beautiful!”, but then beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I didn’t behold myself well!
Everywhere you look today there are smiling models on magazine covers, on television ads, in the shows and movies you watch. Why do we compare ourselves with them? Is that the way we are supposed to look? Here in Hawaii, go to any beach I don’t care if you are in Waikiki or at Makaha Surfing Beach, you WILL NOT see a beach full of lean and toned bodies!
No matter what your age, you can be in your twenties, thirties, forties all the way up to your seventies and you can still look good, be in good health and have a toned body. Just look at Jane Fonda or Susan Lucci! They are older than me and look better than me. Of course I am sure that they have the means to keep their looks as well. So is it a matter of money that is keeping you from being happy with what you see in the mirror? Money has nothing to do with it, it is about knowing how.
Most of my twenties I spent at the gym toning up. I thought I was overweight at 115 and 5 foot 6 inches! LOL! But your muscles do have memory, so you can easily get yourself back into shape, and without all the hours spent at the gym.
It may surprise you that many of the foods recommended that we eat to be healthy and the exercises that we do will actually not flatten your tummy or give you 6 pack abdominal muscles. How you lose weight and tone up can simply be a matter of re-educating yourself and have an open mind on losing that fat that you find so unsightly. It is a matter of fact that after the age of 40 you start to lose muscle tone. How can you tone up and lose weight?
Here are a few facts about fat. Here is what one research a doctor did found out. All of us are born with a certain number of fat cells. When you gain weight your fat cells swell up like balloons until they can’t get any bigger. Then they divide and create new fat cells. Take a moment and just grab onto a stubborn area of fat you would love to get rid of for good. Your belly, thighs, or your love handles and see what it feels like. It is both soft and firm. You see
before and after photos of people who have shrunk their waist, you think it just melted away.
In fact it takes just 2 short days for this transformation to start happening.
No matter what your age, you can be in healthy and tone your body.Cleaning your home or washing your car, doing yard work is all exercise! The secret to this is your mindset. Yes, mind over matter. Pull in your stomach and try to touch your spine with it while you are working. Keep in mind you are burning calories while you work! A study was done on this with maids who clean hotel rooms. Half of them were given a cheat sheet on how much calories their duties burn, and the others were not told. Guess what? The maids that knew they were burning calories all lost weight in two weeks and the other half stayed as they were!
I found all of this information very useful to me after has surgery how to lose my belly fat! I educated myself on what to eat and when, and how to exercise and when, and yes, slowly but surely, I am almost happy with what I see in the mirror.
Yes, you can do it too!
If you have an open mind about diet and exercise I highly suggest this book:
The Truth About Abs
Welcome to Alohalady Blog! I just love to write, so I will write on a variety of topics, from Breaking News, to short stories. Go ahead and enter your email if you would like to receive my blog in your email! Thank you for reading.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
How Do YOU Stay Focused Online?
Aloha to all of my readers,
I sat down about 4 hours ago to work on my website. I went to my email first. That's okay you have to know what is going on, check your sales, email from family and friends. But there is all that email that comes to you from the sites you advertise from, ezines, social sites. Is all that really necessary? I mostly unsubscribe but to a few. This is why. When I post a classified ad, that site sends me an email, that a solo ad will generate tons of traffic to my site! So of course, we all want traffic to our sites, right? Next thing I know I am signing up for yet another site. The page wouldn't come up, so I definitely take that as a sign, and said, Wake up Linda! Your are losing your focus! You need to get your web page up and running before your 3 pm webinar. Get to work and make some money online, instead of joining more sites, which means more emails and on and on!
Working from home and earning income to replace your job is very challenging. Most people just give up after their first several months. The truth is that online earning is hard, you need to build relationships with people, have products that they want, have your own page or landing page to advertise. All of this takes time. It will be awhile before you can spend more time with your family, or be financially independent or go online 4 hours a day and be done!
One group of marketers that I was fortunate enough to connect with online are the guys from They actually set up your sites for you and teach you step by step how to get traffic, how to use an autorepsonder to send out email to your prospects and turn traffic into sales, which turns into income for you.
Being on the Internet as a home business is not rocket science. It is just a learning process that you go through. If makes a tremendous difference if you can work with somebody that already is a six or seven figure earner, showing you how to do it, step by step. So, make a goal for yourself, write it down. Where do you want to be in a year? What do you need to do every month to get there? What do you need to do every week to get there. And, finally what do you need to do today? Write it all day and it will not only help you reach your goals, but it will help you to stay focused!
Decide what niche you want to market. What do people want? What do they need? You can go to any search engine and type in 43 things people want. Look at the results. Is there anything that you have an interest in or know about? Maybe you have your own product, say you hand craft earrings. Go to google and type in google keywords. When you reach that page, now put in the google adwords search tool: earrings. It will show you the key words and how many people use that particular phrase. I copy and paste them to a wordpad document and use the ones that don't bring up 60,000 sites! Too much competition! With keywords that bring up 5000 or under usually will get you better results.
I would like to give you 9 complimentary videos on how to generate traffic. These 9 videos are pure content, no fluff. Go to just put your name and email in the box and you will be able to download them immediately!
I hope that you have enjoyed and maybe learned something from this blog! Please post me comments, I would love to hear from you, and feel free to post your links!
My P.S. of course is all about our animal rescue! Yesterday was put flea collars on the cats day. OMG! We had to wrap the wilder ones in a towel and still yet, you should see the the scratches on me! Eric is smart and he installs the collars to the right tightness. We welcome any donations of any size as this economy is really hurting us. That is the original reason I started learning how to earn from home!
I sat down about 4 hours ago to work on my website. I went to my email first. That's okay you have to know what is going on, check your sales, email from family and friends. But there is all that email that comes to you from the sites you advertise from, ezines, social sites. Is all that really necessary? I mostly unsubscribe but to a few. This is why. When I post a classified ad, that site sends me an email, that a solo ad will generate tons of traffic to my site! So of course, we all want traffic to our sites, right? Next thing I know I am signing up for yet another site. The page wouldn't come up, so I definitely take that as a sign, and said, Wake up Linda! Your are losing your focus! You need to get your web page up and running before your 3 pm webinar. Get to work and make some money online, instead of joining more sites, which means more emails and on and on!
Working from home and earning income to replace your job is very challenging. Most people just give up after their first several months. The truth is that online earning is hard, you need to build relationships with people, have products that they want, have your own page or landing page to advertise. All of this takes time. It will be awhile before you can spend more time with your family, or be financially independent or go online 4 hours a day and be done!
One group of marketers that I was fortunate enough to connect with online are the guys from They actually set up your sites for you and teach you step by step how to get traffic, how to use an autorepsonder to send out email to your prospects and turn traffic into sales, which turns into income for you.
Being on the Internet as a home business is not rocket science. It is just a learning process that you go through. If makes a tremendous difference if you can work with somebody that already is a six or seven figure earner, showing you how to do it, step by step. So, make a goal for yourself, write it down. Where do you want to be in a year? What do you need to do every month to get there? What do you need to do every week to get there. And, finally what do you need to do today? Write it all day and it will not only help you reach your goals, but it will help you to stay focused!
Decide what niche you want to market. What do people want? What do they need? You can go to any search engine and type in 43 things people want. Look at the results. Is there anything that you have an interest in or know about? Maybe you have your own product, say you hand craft earrings. Go to google and type in google keywords. When you reach that page, now put in the google adwords search tool: earrings. It will show you the key words and how many people use that particular phrase. I copy and paste them to a wordpad document and use the ones that don't bring up 60,000 sites! Too much competition! With keywords that bring up 5000 or under usually will get you better results.
I would like to give you 9 complimentary videos on how to generate traffic. These 9 videos are pure content, no fluff. Go to just put your name and email in the box and you will be able to download them immediately!
I hope that you have enjoyed and maybe learned something from this blog! Please post me comments, I would love to hear from you, and feel free to post your links!
My P.S. of course is all about our animal rescue! Yesterday was put flea collars on the cats day. OMG! We had to wrap the wilder ones in a towel and still yet, you should see the the scratches on me! Eric is smart and he installs the collars to the right tightness. We welcome any donations of any size as this economy is really hurting us. That is the original reason I started learning how to earn from home!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Belly Fat!
Please Post Your Comments and links here, include your blog for me to read!
Weird title, yes I know, but I have a good reason for it!
Last December 7, 2011 I was taken to the Emergency Room by my husband because I thought I was having a stroke. I have this weird thing called "pre cursor warnings to stroke" due to a crinkled vein in the back of my skull. That is what my ex-neurologist told me and put me on aspirin. So I was having symptoms and also lower belly pain. CT scan of head and abdomen were done.
Imagine my surprise when I found out my head was still the same, I was not having a pre cursor warning for stroke but I did have a perforated colon.(Come on now, get your minds out of the gutter, I was NOT having strange sex!) Lucky for me the best surgeon was there and explained to my husband and myself that I needed immediate surgery or I would die. I'm like, What? My husband is like totally stunned and freaked. I ask what are my chances without surgery, Doc said "You Will Die" straight up guy, yeah? I said what are my chances with surgery and he says 99.9% that you will live.
The cut they made was started around my piko (belly button) and all the way down to my bikini line, if I could still wear one! lol! This is on top of two other surgery's I had over the years, one was like a C-Section cut and the other was an appendectomy. So I had always exercised hard on my stomach, but this cut was too much! I was in the hospital for 10 days, Eric visited me daily and smuggled in my favorite yogurt, French Vanilla Yoplait Original! I had to get up and start walking from day 1. Oweeee! I won't go into the gory details any further.
Come April 2012 I had a second surgery to reverse the first! They wanted all my colon back inside my body, sounds good to me, put it where it belongs. But they cut the same cut again! I cannot stand to look in the mirror any more and exercising is really hard with the back problems I have from years of horses, Harley's and car wrecks! That would take up a whole other blog!
I got me a Pilate's flex able tube from Publishers Clearing House, yes, I will someday win! I haven't really been able to use it, I have that really tough to lose lower belly fat. I found an awesome way of taking it down! This method really works! And it doesn't cost a lot, doesn't take a lot of exercise, and I learned what foods to avoid. Best money I ever spent!
Here is one woman's testimonial:
I had forgotten how overweight I was, and looking at these before and after pics again almost made me cry...but tears of joy this time, as I'm so thankful for how much progress I've made.
By now you are wondering, what is this miraculous method? Even better yet, not only can you use it but you can sell it to your friends who have "problem stomachs."
Click Here!
There is one side for men and one side for women who want to lose their belly fat. Yes, men do want to have 6 pack abs! This How To Lose Belly Fat product is full of secrets and the quick way to lose belly fat. It is how I am losing my belly fat and also, how to lose weight! Win/Win. Here is another link you can try:
Either way you will not regret it! If it worked for me with all the slicing and dicing they did on me (they could have done an infomercial!), whatever shape you are in, you can get toned up and have a flat stomach, even 6 pack abs! I would love some feedback on this! Either comment on the blog or visit me at Facebook.
So now you know why I posted this blog titled Belly Fat!
As I always mention our cats and dogs, Nohea, my Ridgeback, Pittbull, and yes, Basenji, barkless dogs is not doing well at all. She had taken a fall down the stairs and as she is an older dog, poor thing couldn't stand long enough to eat her food. I don't want to put her down, I believe that God decides when it is our time to go, but I don't want to see her suffer, either.We are fund raising for her Vet visit, and hopefully we can rid her of some of her pain until she heals from her fall. We love her so much, she is the sweetest non barking dog I have ever rescued or kept.
Weird title, yes I know, but I have a good reason for it!
Last December 7, 2011 I was taken to the Emergency Room by my husband because I thought I was having a stroke. I have this weird thing called "pre cursor warnings to stroke" due to a crinkled vein in the back of my skull. That is what my ex-neurologist told me and put me on aspirin. So I was having symptoms and also lower belly pain. CT scan of head and abdomen were done.
Imagine my surprise when I found out my head was still the same, I was not having a pre cursor warning for stroke but I did have a perforated colon.(Come on now, get your minds out of the gutter, I was NOT having strange sex!) Lucky for me the best surgeon was there and explained to my husband and myself that I needed immediate surgery or I would die. I'm like, What? My husband is like totally stunned and freaked. I ask what are my chances without surgery, Doc said "You Will Die" straight up guy, yeah? I said what are my chances with surgery and he says 99.9% that you will live.
The cut they made was started around my piko (belly button) and all the way down to my bikini line, if I could still wear one! lol! This is on top of two other surgery's I had over the years, one was like a C-Section cut and the other was an appendectomy. So I had always exercised hard on my stomach, but this cut was too much! I was in the hospital for 10 days, Eric visited me daily and smuggled in my favorite yogurt, French Vanilla Yoplait Original! I had to get up and start walking from day 1. Oweeee! I won't go into the gory details any further.
Come April 2012 I had a second surgery to reverse the first! They wanted all my colon back inside my body, sounds good to me, put it where it belongs. But they cut the same cut again! I cannot stand to look in the mirror any more and exercising is really hard with the back problems I have from years of horses, Harley's and car wrecks! That would take up a whole other blog!
I got me a Pilate's flex able tube from Publishers Clearing House, yes, I will someday win! I haven't really been able to use it, I have that really tough to lose lower belly fat. I found an awesome way of taking it down! This method really works! And it doesn't cost a lot, doesn't take a lot of exercise, and I learned what foods to avoid. Best money I ever spent!
Here is one woman's testimonial:
I had forgotten how overweight I was, and looking at these before and after pics again almost made me cry...but tears of joy this time, as I'm so thankful for how much progress I've made.
Not only do I feel
so healthy and vibrant, but I feel that I look younger now too! Its
wonderful! I went from a size 14 to a 5. Weight wise I was around 190
lbs when I started and now I am 120 lbs. I’m so passionate about your
book and style of's absolutely amazing...I don’t crave
unhealthy stuff anymore...I have eliminated an insane sweet tooth.
happened upon your book about 9 months ago. Once I downloaded and
printed your ebook, I read it once, and then again. There is so much
information in there that expands beyond just working out and abs. The
nutritional information was fascinating, and I believe that was what
helped me get to where I am today. The workouts are also so
challenging, and talk about breaking a sweat! I love it.
I have
SO MANY people ask me what diet I was doing to lose all that weight.
They just don't understand that I'm not on a diet... It’s been a total
lifestyle change. I would recommend your book to anyone! I feel
exceptional, and I am in the best shape of my life!
I hope that my testimonial will help you out, as well as other people that have struggled to get in shape. Thank you so much!!
The eagle recovers around a mark!
The eagle recovers around a mark!
By now you are wondering, what is this miraculous method? Even better yet, not only can you use it but you can sell it to your friends who have "problem stomachs."
Click Here!
There is one side for men and one side for women who want to lose their belly fat. Yes, men do want to have 6 pack abs! This How To Lose Belly Fat product is full of secrets and the quick way to lose belly fat. It is how I am losing my belly fat and also, how to lose weight! Win/Win. Here is another link you can try:
Either way you will not regret it! If it worked for me with all the slicing and dicing they did on me (they could have done an infomercial!), whatever shape you are in, you can get toned up and have a flat stomach, even 6 pack abs! I would love some feedback on this! Either comment on the blog or visit me at Facebook.
So now you know why I posted this blog titled Belly Fat!
As I always mention our cats and dogs, Nohea, my Ridgeback, Pittbull, and yes, Basenji, barkless dogs is not doing well at all. She had taken a fall down the stairs and as she is an older dog, poor thing couldn't stand long enough to eat her food. I don't want to put her down, I believe that God decides when it is our time to go, but I don't want to see her suffer, either.We are fund raising for her Vet visit, and hopefully we can rid her of some of her pain until she heals from her fall. We love her so much, she is the sweetest non barking dog I have ever rescued or kept.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
How to Make Money From Home Fast!
I worked for 14 years for the same company and ended up with a whopping 3.77 per hour more than when I started in 1998. Actually I volunteered from September 1997 for 5 months. I have always wanted to work from home! As of now, I have had the good fortune to connect with a group of people that do one on one mentoring,I got 9 free videos on generating traffic, and a brand new program with an average $1200 commission per sale that is in pre-launch right now! We have a special software that you can load your email contacts into and invite them to join you! So a fast and easy way to get the word out! You can be your own boss you just need to learn how to do it and to find what you want to market.
Having a coach that is already making that 6 or even 7 figure income that we are talking about really gives me an advantage over somebody trying to do this on your own. You will find the link later in this blog for our amazing pre launch program.
As you know the Internet is full of programs, MLM, and just plain scams! So how do you tell the good from the bad.
Google It! Research it and check it out first!
Better Business Bureau is also an excellent resource to find out about a business, how many complaints have been lodged against it, if it is legit or a scam.
Start here with my gift to you of 9 Training Videos on Traffic Generation. Just Click Here: put your name and email on the form and you can download them immediately. I am still studying these, although this isn't the first time around online for me, but, hey, last time I was only making $1500 a YEAR extra, so when my life got complicated, I decided it wasn't worth my time. I know quite a few of my friends that gave up on their dreams. But our dreams keep us alive! You can DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, just set your mind to it. Write it down and put it on the ceiling above your bed so you see it first thing every morning as a positive affirmation. There is a movie called "The Secret" and that is where I stole that idea from. It really works!
Blogging, Facebook, Twitter and Linked In are great places to connect with like minded people. U tube is great for videos! Get creative and have the mindset of a millionaire. In fact I am just getting ready to go to the beach and exercise by walking in the sand and exercising in the water, since I can't do the exercises I used too! Physical limitations, accept it and move on.Here is the link for our Pre-Launch, it is really exciting!
As far as a top tier product you can go straight to Income Infuser and become a part of their coaching product the the Millionaire Operating System!
Well, as usual I have to go and tend to the animals and the yard! Please take advantage of the links I have given you in this blog, and make your future in your hands!
Here is our Donate Button for our animal rescue:
As you know the Internet is full of programs, MLM, and just plain scams! So how do you tell the good from the bad.
Google It! Research it and check it out first!
Better Business Bureau is also an excellent resource to find out about a business, how many complaints have been lodged against it, if it is legit or a scam.
Start here with my gift to you of 9 Training Videos on Traffic Generation. Just Click Here: put your name and email on the form and you can download them immediately. I am still studying these, although this isn't the first time around online for me, but, hey, last time I was only making $1500 a YEAR extra, so when my life got complicated, I decided it wasn't worth my time. I know quite a few of my friends that gave up on their dreams. But our dreams keep us alive! You can DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, just set your mind to it. Write it down and put it on the ceiling above your bed so you see it first thing every morning as a positive affirmation. There is a movie called "The Secret" and that is where I stole that idea from. It really works!
Blogging, Facebook, Twitter and Linked In are great places to connect with like minded people. U tube is great for videos! Get creative and have the mindset of a millionaire. In fact I am just getting ready to go to the beach and exercise by walking in the sand and exercising in the water, since I can't do the exercises I used too! Physical limitations, accept it and move on.Here is the link for our Pre-Launch, it is really exciting!
As far as a top tier product you can go straight to Income Infuser and become a part of their coaching product the the Millionaire Operating System!
Well, as usual I have to go and tend to the animals and the yard! Please take advantage of the links I have given you in this blog, and make your future in your hands!
Here is our Donate Button for our animal rescue:
Monday, September 3, 2012
Give Me Your Blog Links Please!
Aloha from the West Side of Oahu! It is Labor Day Monday and everything is quiet here on the Western front.
It is so strange that certain programs only work with certain browsers! I have downloaded Google Chrome and Firefox and I never am sure what one will work with which program.
So I am blogging to you and I want to read YOUR blog, so please send me your links to your blogs so I can! I like IE 9 and my HP Notebook is new, thanks to my husband, Eric!
I am actively pursuing my online income from home ever since my lifesaving surgery that I had last December 7, 2011. I am now disabled and unable to work a job, but I can do an hour or two a day online too earn money without a commute, and being able to be my own boss, I can take as much breaks as I need. I have done a lot of research as to what is legitimate online and what is a scam. I have found MOS which provides me with the opportunity to really earn large commissions and totally change my whole family's life.Please click this link: I have a couch who has earned a million dollars one year and the other years she and her husband have 6 figure income. So I am learning as I am earning! I haven't found anything better on the Web, and researched through keywords scam, best online business, legitimate work from home and through the Better Business Bureau. To get to this point I started out with:
Do watch the video, it has changed my life and it can do the same for you! If you want to learn more about us then just fill in your name and email address and I will send you email on earning with Income Infuser. This could be what you have been waiting for! Of course there is a money back guarantee, so this is win/win for you and definitely has been for me! All you have to do is decide if you want extra hundreds a month, or do you want thousands per month?
I have started to put together my web page. Just yesterday I started picking out the template and putting in the text. Since I do this to better my family's life, I also am doing this to better my "Waianae Animal Rescue" efforts. Now that September is here, our first cat rescue, Scampers, is 15! She is just HUGE and we can remember when she fit in the palm of our hand. She still lives up to her name, she Scampers around all the time! The only mistake we made with this one was playing rough with her when she was little and now that she isn't little anymore, she still wants to play rough! OUCH! She was the last of the litter at the boatyard where Eric worked, the dogs had gotten the whole litter except for Scampers and her Mom. Then came Bob, we rescued him from dying from Parvo, which is horrible here in Hawaii, please get your animals immunized! There was two puppies, Bob and Bill, (any friends of out there?). Unfortunately, Bill died before we could get him to the Vet, but Bob survived, and if you have been keeping up with this Blogg, you have seen his pic on here, making sure all the yogurt is out of the container! Scampers is the middle "dog" I don't know how to fix her eyes....still working on those skills! LOL! We still have 5 cats and Bob and Nohea, we can not take on any more until we are finished providing area's for the animals we rescue so we can find them loving homes. We have about 4 feral outside (cats) that our neighbor and I give shelter and food too. They need to be caught and fixed and then put backs to their turf. Cats are very territorial.

I am looking forward to receiving your blog links so send on ahead!
Stay Cool!
PS Last blogg I sent you the wrong link for the video for six pack abs. After two stomach surgerys I am interested very much. I want to not make excuses for my fitness because of my age or disabilities! You can watch the video:
It is so strange that certain programs only work with certain browsers! I have downloaded Google Chrome and Firefox and I never am sure what one will work with which program.
So I am blogging to you and I want to read YOUR blog, so please send me your links to your blogs so I can! I like IE 9 and my HP Notebook is new, thanks to my husband, Eric!

Do watch the video, it has changed my life and it can do the same for you! If you want to learn more about us then just fill in your name and email address and I will send you email on earning with Income Infuser. This could be what you have been waiting for! Of course there is a money back guarantee, so this is win/win for you and definitely has been for me! All you have to do is decide if you want extra hundreds a month, or do you want thousands per month?
I have started to put together my web page. Just yesterday I started picking out the template and putting in the text. Since I do this to better my family's life, I also am doing this to better my "Waianae Animal Rescue" efforts. Now that September is here, our first cat rescue, Scampers, is 15! She is just HUGE and we can remember when she fit in the palm of our hand. She still lives up to her name, she Scampers around all the time! The only mistake we made with this one was playing rough with her when she was little and now that she isn't little anymore, she still wants to play rough! OUCH! She was the last of the litter at the boatyard where Eric worked, the dogs had gotten the whole litter except for Scampers and her Mom. Then came Bob, we rescued him from dying from Parvo, which is horrible here in Hawaii, please get your animals immunized! There was two puppies, Bob and Bill, (any friends of out there?). Unfortunately, Bill died before we could get him to the Vet, but Bob survived, and if you have been keeping up with this Blogg, you have seen his pic on here, making sure all the yogurt is out of the container! Scampers is the middle "dog" I don't know how to fix her eyes....still working on those skills! LOL! We still have 5 cats and Bob and Nohea, we can not take on any more until we are finished providing area's for the animals we rescue so we can find them loving homes. We have about 4 feral outside (cats) that our neighbor and I give shelter and food too. They need to be caught and fixed and then put backs to their turf. Cats are very territorial.

This is Scampers the birthday kitty. Every time I tried to take her picture she kept walking toward me so her whole head filled the screen! I think she looks great for her age, what about you? On the right is Tar, our "too sexy" kitty. I am looking forward to receiving your blog links so send on ahead!
Stay Cool!
PS Last blogg I sent you the wrong link for the video for six pack abs. After two stomach surgerys I am interested very much. I want to not make excuses for my fitness because of my age or disabilities! You can watch the video:
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Where Did August Go?!
Wow! September 1st already! August went by so fast and hot and humid and furious. Thank God that I live in Hawaii and can exercise at the beach. There is some kind of magnetic field in the ocean that just makes you feel so refreshed. Of course, I am physically unable to boogie board anymore, so I walk the shoreline and just get in the water and do arm circles and leg exercises. I swear last weekend I saw a small shark! Just after watching Shark Week on TV and I look down from where I was treading water and saw about maybe 2-3 foot long, what my husband said is probably a sand shark. Well, I was soo out of that water! He likes to swim and was supposed to go to the Olympics for Swimming, set records at his high school that still have not been broken, and he told me that he had seen some white tips much further out in the water than I choose to venture!
That is a pic of me and my old dog, Bob, who is 15 and a half years old! I love my best friend so much! I hope we check out at the same time, because I cannot even bear the thought of losing him. He is very smart and very special! Last blog I put a pic of him cleaning out my yogurt container very carefully and considerately. He used to boogie board with me, until he got whipped up in the shorebreak one day! We taught him to swim when he was just a little guy!
Of course, all the animals are pretty slow moving in the heat of the day .here on the West Coast of Oahu. I am not complaining! Hell, no, not when I see temps up to 115 degrees on the mainland! About the middle of August Eric, my husband, came home from shopping and said "I have a surprise for you" and in the back of the pickup was my dream dog! Female, blue, American Pitt Bull Terrier, a little white stripe on her chest and little white toes! I was like OMG! What are we going to do with her? We can't let her inside because of the cats plus our two older dogs, we gotta introduce them slowly.....Our kennels are not finished..she is very well cared for and somebody is missing her! He had found her running around by the Waianae Vet and McDonalds, he was afraid she would get hit by a car so he grabbed her. That is what we do rescue animals in distress! We ended up finding the collar Bob had when he went "missing" a couple of years ago and ended up at the ASPCA, and we had to use a cable to contain her in the side kennel area. I always had wanted a dog just like her, but at the same time, we aren't equiped for more animal costs right now and our kennels are incomplete. Long story short (too late already!) I called the Vet in the morning and told the girl we had found the dog. Later that day she called me back and the dogs owner had called her as well looking for her baby! When I spoke to her on the phone, she was so happy! How well I knew those tears of happiness from when I found Bob! So it is not time yet for me to have my "perfect dream dog" and that's okay, I know the blessings come when you are ready for them! We are constantly fund raising for our animal rescue cause and you can just hit the donate button. No donation is too large or too small and very much appreciated!
I have some excellent resources from my online tool kit that I would like to share with you today.
If you market online you already know that to make any money you need to generate traffic to your site. With so many opportunities and so many people trying to do the same thing it can become very difficult to get pulled up on the first page of the Search Engine. That is why it is so important that your ads, blogs, classifieds, articles, etc, are keyword rich. You can obtain FREE videos on traffic generation here:
It really is a numbers game. The more traffic, visitors, prospects or what ever you like to call them, the more chance you have of converting them into customers. It is also a matter of building relationships with your prospects. You can do this really efficiently with the use of an autoresponder that will give your prospects something of value throughout it's course as well as introduce them to your products that will bring in the large commissions to your business. So they get to know you throughout the course of the messages you are sending them, they have opted in, so NO SPAM, and you have a chance to build a relationship with them. You can find autoresponders all over the 'Net from free and up, but the one I have found to be the best, with excellent customer service and also an excellent blog mailed to me on how to make your messages better! Click here and you get your first month for $1.00!
So Happy September 2012! Some of you folks on the mainland are starting to go into fall, or in California, Indian Summer. I love it there at this time of year. The days are warm and the nights chilly. Here we are waiting on the Big North Swells to start hitting the West Coast of Oahu, especially Makaha Surfing Beach. Best time of the year to get a tan and try to get rid of my soft stomach. After 2 surgeries, one last December and one last April 2012, I need alot more than crunches.
Stay Cool!
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