Sunday, August 5, 2012

Explode Your Business!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Internet Marketing Advertising! I went to Google Search last night plugged in some keywords from my last blog and boom! There was my blog on the first search about the seventh link down. Impressive, right? Not really, because of course, I know what all the keywords would be for what I just wrote. Remember to always write keyword rich articles, blogs, and ads!

There are many options available to deliver traffic to your site. Lets review some of them.

If you do not have a large advertising budget, don't worry! There are many ways to get traffic to your site. Blogging, articles, Google Adwords, Classifieds, Craigs list, Facebook, Twitter, just right off the top of my head, and that's just a few. Things have changed since 2008 with Social Media being such a big part of being online. You can advertise on these sites and for example, Facebook, will email you your stats and your charges. Looking at these stats are very important because it allows you to see what is working and what is not.

Whatever your business is what you need is a much traffic to your site as you can possibly get. Here are some basics that you can do and should do as a business owner.

 Set Goals! Honestly, it is very necessary to challenge yourself to meet your goals! But setting goals is only part of the picture. Achieving them is even more important. You need to learn to identify which goals are important enough to commit to, and systematically work towards them by breaking them down into steps, meet smaller goals that will help you to accomplish your large goal

Work daily towards one of the small goals you set. Don't stop working until it is done. Rome was not built in a day and neither is your business going to be started in a day. Focus is really a priority here. Is what you are doing right now online helping you to achieve that goal? It is so easy to get side tracked with email, friends request,etc,and before you know it your time is up and you have been swimming in circles during your whole business building time! Sound familiar?

It really helps too, if you have somebody who will help you to accomplish all the tasks that need to be done in your time online. I have my husband who is going to help me out M-F surfing the traffic exchanges. Yes, I know, everybody just wants you to click on their page and join their opportunity. However, if you are marketing a niche market, something allot of people want, or how to make your current business succeed, it is not just another program. Learn how to write powerful headlines and good ad copy. Check your stats and change your headline or copy if your ad's stats are low. Classified ads are good and there are allot of sites online you can post to. If you post 3-5 ads per day, you would have as many as 14-35 ads per week. The more somebody sees your ad the more likely they are to open it up. Exposure and numbers build your traffic.

I have just started going over some of the basics! You can get a 9 Video Course with all that information and tons more for FREE HERE.

Our animal rescue efforts continue! We always fund raising. We are hoping to build a safe enclosed area outside for the cats and at least 6 kennels and a run area for the dogs. We will adopt them out to good owners. I know that I will be screening them very closely! The way I rescued my first dog Bob, was a room mate had obtained 2 puppies for his 5 year old. After a week, the poor things were in a plywood box maybe 4 X 4 ft square. I kept telling myself, they are not your puppies, don't worry about them, but I just couldn't stand to see them all penned up like that in their own mess. I made a small run for them in our carport and started letting them in the house, etc. One day I noticed that both had diarrhea and were very lethargic. We called a Vet who said to bring them in at 3 PM (this was on a Sunday). It was so heartbreaking that one of the puppies died before we could get him there. It was Parvo that killed him. I nursed the other pup back to health, got him his shots and ended up being Mom when the girl whose puppies they were told me "he is yours now because you saved his life." He is now 15 years old and he is such a wonderful animal. They never forget when you save them.

I get email regularly from Alley Cat Allies, which is a foundation also run on donations that is helping feral cats across America. There is much good information on this site about our feline (or furline) as I call mine, friends. You can check that out here:

I am going to have to start posting some photos here of the animals! Half the reason I am online is for them!

Stay on Top!


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