So now you have everything you need for the newest member of your family! I can only say "Congratulations!" You have just entered into one of the most rewarding relationships that you will have in your life. Every dog has his own unique character and much of it is formed while he is a puppy and growing (really fast, by the way!), so I want to do everything I can to help you do things right.
You already got all your supplies. Until your new friend is housebroken and stopped teething you will want to confine him to one room that is easily cleaned. Dogs are social animals so the closer this room is to where the family is the better. A kitchen or bathroom that is not carpeted is ideal! A wire mesh baby gate across the doorway(s) works best, it cannot be chewed as a plastic or wooden gate can be. Puppies love to chew! It is actually good for dogs to chew for their dental health, it helps clean tartar from the teeth and keeps the gums healthy. You just want to train your puppy what is OK to chew. I once had an American Pit Bull Terrier who chewed up our weed eater! Absolutely true story!
You will want to remove any hazardous and poisonous items in your home that your puppy can get into when unsupervised. Put all cleaning agents, antifreeze, pesticides, drugs and other household garage or garden chemicals away from puppy's reach. If you cannot eliminate electrical wires that he may chew, you can coat them with Bitter Apple, a safe, but nasty tasting substance created to prevent chewing. Many houseplants are poisonous and should be placed out of his reach. If you have non poisonous plants, place them out of reach, because no puppy can resist playing with a plant!
Don't make your garage your new best friends area. It is too isolated for your puppy to be able to socialize and feel like a part of the family. If your puppy is in the garage, with you, make sure the anti freeze is out of his reach.
You can child proof the cupboards and keep them closed while your puppy is in his area. Puppies have been known to chew anything! If he is in the bathroom, you can throw the shower curtain over the rod and out of reach.
Make sure you provide chewable toys. Sate toys are a necessity! Rawhide chew toys are a favorite, however, there have been incidents when a torn chunk from a rawhide toy got caught in a dogs throat and choked him. Our American Pit Bull Terrier, Kala, swallowed a whole rawhide bone, and I actually used the Heimlich Method on him and it came flying out of his mouth! Unfortunately, that was only part of the problem, he had eaten a poisonous toad and ended up at the Vet's overnight, and thank God, he lived. So give your puppy the rawhide while you are home, and don't choose it for his crate toy. Chew toys made of hard nylon are safe, even when you are not at home.
That is it for today! I hope that you have found some useful tips and have enjoyed reading my blog. You can visit my web site at
for more information and other useful resources for your dogs and cats.
Thank you for reading!